Hexblade Warlock Guide: Dominate with These Proven Strategies!

Are you ready to dive into the captivating world of the Hexblade Warlock? This guide will explore everything you need to know, from hit points and proficiencies to key features like Hexblade’s Curse and Armor of Hexes.

Whether you’re building your character or looking to enhance your gameplay, we’ve got you covered. Embark on this journey with me and unlock the secrets to mastering the Hexblade Warlock.

Overview of Hexblade Warlock

The Hexblade Warlock is a unique and fascinating subclass in Dungeons & Dragons. It combines the mystical powers of a warlock with the combat prowess of a fighter.

If you are seeking a character that wields both weapon and magic with ease, the Hexblade Warlock is a top pick. Let’s dive into the essential details that make this subclass truly special.

Hit Points and Proficiencies

Hexblade Warlocks have a hit dice of 1d8 per warlock level, giving them moderate durability in combat. They start with proficiency in light armor, simple weapons, and one type of martial weapon of their choice.

This blend of proficiencies ensures they can hold their ground on the front lines while also casting spells effectively. Additionally, they gain proficiency in Charisma and Wisdom saving throws.

Ability Scores

When creating a Hexblade Warlock, focus on these ability scores:

  • Charisma: Primary ability for spellcasting.
  • Dexterity or Strength: Choose based on your preferred combat style.
  • Constitution: Enhances survival in combat.

Equipment and Spellcasting

Hexblade Warlocks can start with the following equipment:

WeaponA martial weapon
A simple weapon
ArmorLight armor by default
PackScholar’s pack
Dungeoneer’s pack
FocusA simple arcane focus

For spellcasting, Hexblade Warlocks use Charisma as their spellcasting ability. They can choose from a variety of spells that blend offensive and defensive capabilities. This combination allows them to be versatile combatants, capable of adapting to numerous situations.

Spell LevelSpells
1stWrathful Smite, Shield
2ndBranding Smite, Blur
3rdElemental Weapon, Blink
4thStaggering Smite, Phantasmal Killer
5thCone of Cold, Banishing Smite

Key Features of Hexblade Warlock

The Hexblade Warlock stands out with some unique abilities that make them a powerful and versatile character. From their signature curse to specialized combat skills, these features set them apart from other classes. Let’s dive into the key elements that define a Hexblade Warlock.

Key Features of Hexblade Warlock

Hexblade’s Curse

Hexblade’s Curse is a defining ability of the Hexblade Warlock. This curse allows you to target a single enemy and gain several benefits against them. You get a bonus to damage rolls equal to your proficiency bonus. Additionally, you can score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20 against the cursed target.

If the cursed target dies, you regain hit points equal to your Warlock level plus your Charisma modifier. This combination of offensive and healing capabilities makes it a crucial aspect of your toolkit.

Hex Warrior

Hex Warrior enhances your combat skills, making you proficient with medium armor, shields, and martial weapons. Here’s what you get:

  • Proficiency with Medium Armor: This increases your survivability on the battlefield.
  • Shield Proficiency: This adds to your defensive capabilities.
  • Martial Weapon Proficiency: This allows you to wield more powerful weapons, significantly boosting your combat effectiveness.

Armor of Hexes

Armor of Hexes is another remarkable feature that provides additional defense against your cursed target. When a creature affected by your Hexblade’s Curse makes an attack roll against you, you can roll a d6. On a roll of 4, 5, or 6, the attack automatically misses you, regardless of the attack roll.

This can be a game-changer in tight situations, providing an extra layer of protection and making you harder to hit.

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Building a Hexblade Warlock

Creating a Hexblade Warlock can be an exciting journey. Knowing which feats, weapons, armor, and the best race and background to choose will make your character powerful and unique. Let’s dive in and see how to build an optimal Hexblade Warlock!

Building a Hexblade Warlock


Selecting the right feats is crucial for your Hexblade Warlock. Some top choices include:

  • War Caster: This feat is excellent for maintaining concentration on spells during combat.
  • Polearm Master: Allows opportunity attacks when enemies enter your reach, adding more versatility.
  • Tough: Increases your hit points significantly, making you more durable in battles.

These feats will enhance your Hexblade Warlock’s effectiveness in various scenarios.

Weapons and Armor

Choosing the right weapons and armor can make a significant difference. Here are some options:

  • Weapons:
    • Longsword: Versatile and allows you to use your Charisma for attacks.
    • Pact Weapon: Can be summoned and customized to fit your needs.
  • Armor:
    • Medium Armor: Provides a good balance of protection and mobility.
    • Shield: Offers additional defense without sacrificing offensive capabilities.

These choices ensure you are well-equipped for any encounter.

Race and Background

Selecting the right race and background will further enhance your Hexblade Warlock. Consider the following:

  • Race:
    • Half-Elf: Offers a bonus to Charisma and two other ability scores, plus darkvision and extra skills.
    • Tiefling: Provides a bonus to Charisma and useful racial traits like Hellish Resistance.
  • Background:
    • Charlatan: Gives proficiency in Deception and Sleight of Hand, useful for trickery.
    • Soldier: Offers proficiency in Athletics and Intimidation, adding to your combat prowess.

By choosing the right race and background, your Hexblade Warlock will be well-rounded and ready for adventure.

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The Hexblade Warlock is a captivating blend of magic and combat, offering a unique playstyle that can be incredibly rewarding. With a proper understanding of its key features, abilities, and optimal builds, any player can harness the full potential of this class.

Remember, the journey of mastering the Hexblade Warlock is both exciting and fulfilling, so dive in and explore all it has to offer.

To uncover more intriguing insights and tips on various classes, make sure to explore our other blogs! Happy adventuring!

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