Turn Undead in 5e: Mastering This Essential Cleric Skill

Turn Undead in 5e: Mastering This Essential Cleric Skill

Navigating the mystical realm of Dungeons & Dragons can be challenging, but mastering Turn Undead in 5e can give your cleric a vital edge. In this article, we’ll delve deep into what Turn Undead is, how it works, and offer essential tips for its use. Whether you’re new to cleric abilities or seeking to optimize your gameplay, we’ve got you covered. Let’s dive in and unlock the secrets of this powerful skill!

What is Turn Undead in 5e?

Turn Undead in 5e is a powerful ability available to clerics. This ability allows clerics to repel undead creatures. When used, it forces undead within a certain radius to flee. Let’s dive deeper into how it works and how you can use it effectively.

How Does Turn Undead in 5e Work?

A powerful tool in the arsenal of clerics, this ability can significantly alter the course of a battle against undead foes. When faced with an overwhelming number of enemies that rise from the grave, it becomes essential to leverage every divine gift at your disposal. Let’s explore how this pivotal action can turn the tide in your favor.

  • Initiation: Turn Undead is activated as an action during combat.
  • Range: It affects all undead within a 30-foot radius.
  • Saving Throw: Undead must make a Wisdom saving throw to resist.
  • Effect Duration: If failed, the undead is turned for 1 minute or until it takes damage.
  • Frequency: This ability can be used once per short or long rest.

The Turned Effect

When an undead creature fails its Wisdom saving throw against Turn Undead, it becomes turned. This means the creature must spend its turns trying to move as far away from the cleric as possible. It cannot willingly move to a space within 30 feet of the cleric.

Turn Undead in 5e: The Turned Effect

Additionally, the turned creature cannot take reactions. For its action, it can only use the Dash action or try to escape from an effect that prevents it from moving. If there’s nowhere to move, the creature can use the Dodge action instead.

How to Use Turn Undead in 5e

To use Turn Undead effectively, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the Threat: Assess the number and proximity of undead enemies.
  2. Position Yourself: Move to a spot where you can maximize the number of undead within your 30-foot radius.
  3. Activate the Ability: Use your action to channel Turn Undead.
  4. Observe the Outcome: Note which undead fail their saving throws and become turned.
  5. Follow Up: Use your party’s resources to attack turned undead or focus on other threats.

By following these steps, you can make the most out of Turn Undead and protect your party from undead dangers.

Destroy Undead

In Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, the Destroy Undead feature takes the Turn Undead ability to another level. This power allows clerics to not only turn undead creatures but also outright destroy them if they are weak enough. Intrigued? Let’s dive into the mechanics of this game-changing feature!

How Does Destroy Undead Work?

When a cleric uses their Turn Undead ability, creatures of a certain Challenge Rating (CR) or lower may be instantly destroyed instead of turned. The CR threshold increases as the cleric levels up, making this feature more powerful over time.

The effectiveness of this feature depends on the Challenge Rating (CR) of the undead creature and the cleric’s level. Below is a table summarizing the maximum CR of an undead creature that can be automatically destroyed by a cleric’s Turn Undead feature when they use their Channel Divinity.

Cleric LevelMaximum CR of Undead Destroyed

Tips for Using Turn Undead in 5e

Navigating through the realm of undead foes can be daunting, but using Turn Undead in 5e effectively can make a big difference. Here are some practical tips to ensure you get the most out of this ability.

Whether you’re dealing with a horde of low CR undead or facing a single, formidable foe, these strategies will help you leverage Turn Undead to its fullest potential.

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Save for Multiple Low CR Undead Foes

When facing multiple low CR (Challenge Rating) undead enemies, it’s crucial to use Turn Undead wisely. Here’s how:

  • Assess the Situation: Determine if you’re surrounded by several low CR undead. This is the optimal time to use Turn Undead.
  • Maximize Effectiveness: Make sure to position yourself in a way that maximizes the number of undead you can affect.
  • Group Advantage: Utilize this ability to give your party the upper hand by reducing the number of foes quickly.

Combine with Focus Fire and Single-Target Attacks

Combining Turn Undead with other tactics can significantly enhance your combat strategy. Consider the following:

  • Focus Fire: Once you’ve turned the undead, coordinate with your party to target the ones that aren’t affected. This helps in thinning out the enemies faster.
  • Single-Target Attacks: Use powerful single-target spells or attacks on the most threatening undead that remain unaffected. This ensures you deal with the biggest threats efficiently.
  • Team Coordination: Communicate with your team to ensure everyone is on the same page, making your combined efforts more effective.

With these tips, you can navigate your encounters with undead foes more effectively. Remember, strategic use of Turn Undead can tip the scales in your favor, making even the most daunting battles manageable.

When Not to Use Turn Undead in 5e

Turn Undead in 5e can be a powerful tool, but there are times when it’s not the best option. Knowing when to use and when to hold off on this ability can make a significant difference in your gameplay.

Let’s dive into specific scenarios where you might reconsider using Turn Undead.

Solo Undead Enemies

When facing a single undead enemy, Turn Undead might not be your best move. This ability is designed to target multiple foes, so using it on just one can feel like a waste.

Turn Undead in 5e: Solo Undead Enemies

Instead, focus on direct attacks or other spells that deal higher damage to single targets. In these cases, preserving your resources for more appropriate situations is key.

Can’t Hit More Than One Undead

If you find yourself in a situation where you can’t target more than one undead, Turn Undead in 5e loses its effectiveness. This ability shines when you can affect several enemies at once. When only one or two undead are present, consider using a different strategy. 

For instance, relying on your party’s combined attacks can be more beneficial. Save Turn Undead in 5e for moments when you’re surrounded by multiple undead foes to maximize its impact.

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Turn Undead in 5e is a powerful tool for clerics when facing hordes of undead foes. Understanding how to effectively use this ability can make a significant difference in your adventures. Remember to assess the situation and use Turn Undead when it’s most beneficial.

By mastering this skill, you can ensure your party’s survival and success in challenging encounters. Don’t forget, the power of Turn Undead evolves as your character grows, making it a crucial part of your toolkit.

If you found this helpful, explore more of our insightful guides and tips to elevate your D&D gameplay experience!

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